VulnCheck for Government
Government agencies see more with VulnCheck

Exploit & Vulnerability Intelligence

Leverage Exploit & Vulnerability Intelligence to make better decisions on which vulnerabilities need immediate remediation.
More Exploited In-The-Wild Information (& Earlier)
VulnCheck KEV indexes 2,805 exploited in-the-wild vulnerabilities vs. 1,140 in CISA KEV (146.05% more) and on average, and 27 days earlier than CISA KEV
More Comprehensive Tracking of Public Exploit PoC Code
Tracking of 5x more exploits than Exploit-DB's 43,590 & at least 1 exploit for 31.4% of CVEs (vs. 12.9% in Exploit-DB)
Private Git Server
Cached copies and git history of all archived exploit code

Initial Access Intelligence

Initial Access Intelligence provides organizations the detection artifacts, such as Suricata signatures, YARA rules, PCAPs, and private exploit PoCs, to defend against initial access vulnerabilities, already exploited or likely to be soon.
Proprietary exploit code and detections
In-house developed proprietary exploit code (including bypass techniques) and detections (PCAPs, Suricata & Snort rules, YARA rules, etc.)
Potentially vulnerable systems
Custom Shodan, Censys, & GreyNoise queries (before Censys or GreyNoise tags exist) to find potentially impacted devices
200+ proprietary Initial Access exploits per year
VulnCheck for Government SLA commits to covering at least 200 new vulnerabilities per year with proprietary exploit code & detection artifacts

IP Intelligence

IP Intelligence data on potentially vulnerable systems, attacker command & control infrastructure (C2), honeypots, proxies, and more.
Attacker Command & Control (C2) infrastructure
C2, webshells, open directories, implant detection, etc.
Time scales covered
3 days (what's live right now), 10 days, 30 days, & 90 days
Command & Control (C2) fingerprints
For our Government partners, instead of just reporting we found implanted devices, we report how we detected the implants

Partnering With Agencies

How VulnCheck Partners with Government Agencies

Government Use Cases

VulnCheck supports a wide variety of Government use cases.
Vulnerability Intelligence
Active Cyber Defense
Mass Exploitation Defense
Vulnerability Prioritization
Adversary Cyber Intelligence
Emerging Threat Response

See More with VulnCheck

VulnCheck works closely with government agencies to solidify defenses, collaborate, and respond to emerging threats.
US Intelligence Community
US Department of Defense
Civilian Agencies
National CERTs
International Intelligence Agencies
NATO and Friendly Allies
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